Cascadia Liquor Store Strike over!

We have a deal!

Update: June 16, 2024

After 43 days of walking the picket line, Cascadia Liquor workers have won their first union contract! The three-year contract includes significant wage increases, wage premiums for specialized positions, health and dental benefits, and other improvements.
More details will be available soon.

Thank you!

We received amazing support and solidarity from the local community who consistently showed up on picket lines and for rallies. They brought us food, drinks and kind words of support. Thank you to everyone who chose to shop elsewhere during the past six weeks. All of this made a significant difference and helped us win this fight. Thank you to the labour movement, social justice organizations and elected leaders who supported us!

Member Voices

“If Cascadia isn’t going to recognize the hard work we do to help make their business successful, we have no recourse other than to strike.”

—Alyssa Lansdowne-Allan
Eagle Creek Store

“It’s simply a red herring to suggest that tips – which are by no means guaranteed – are a built-in part of our wages. It’s up to an employer to pay its staff – not the customer.” ”

—Kelsey Hann
Quadra Village Store

“I’m not just striking for myself – I’m also striking for my co-workers who struggle to make ends meet in a city where the cost of living has become untenable.” ”

—Pam Andee
Colwood Store


Want to support Alyssa, Kelsey, Pam and their co-workers? Send Cascadia a message.

Cascadia needs to do better for workers in our community. Tell them to pay workers a fair wage and treat them with respect! Contact them through their online form.

You can also email them at

Banner and Take Action section photos by Harland Bird.


We need wages that allow us to live here but Cascadia doesn’t seem to agree.

Living in Victoria is expensive! Every worker in our city needs fair wages and respect. We need reasonable and reliable scheduled raises that keep up with the increasing cost of living.

Cascadia liquor store workers from three locations came together to form a Union because we needed improvements and fairness. Workers from the Quadra Store applied for certification on July 24, 2023; workers from the Eagle Creek Store applied on October 15, 2023; and workers from the Colwood Store on November 6, 2023.

There are approx. 60 workers in our Union, 45 of whom are regularly scheduled. Most of us make between $18-19 per hour. The lower end of that is not far from the June 1st minimum wage.

Cascadia workers simply want increases that will bring us level with workers in other unionized private liquor store chains in BC: a $19.50 probationary rate, a $20 starting rate, and $21 after a year of service. A little more with additional seniority.

But Cascadia’s proposal would provide a base wage of only $18.85 for most workers. On top of that you would have to work over 2600 hours to qualify for the next raise (which would still be under $20). With the number of shifts we get, that could take 2 to 3 years!

We believe Cascadia should invest in its workers – not in fighting us.

They spent money on multiple lawyers trying to stop us from bargaining as one group. They hired an HR consultant to conduct bargaining who took very aggressive positions resulting in the situation we are in now. The company’s decision-makers have not come to bargain with us – only low-level management who are not authorized to make decisions have come to the table. They have shown a willingness to spend money to fight our efforts for a fair contract – but are not to provide us with fair wages.

This is our first collective agreement, and in some respects, Cascadia seems intent on seeing us go backwards.

For example, they want to extend the probation period from 3 to 5 months. We hope Cascadia agrees that good jobs with fairness and dignified pay are important in our community!

We enjoy serving the clients in our community, but we need to earn fair wages to continue doing so. We believe Victoria agrees.

The Cascadia Liquor stores are owned by the Truffles Group, which also own Truffles Catering, Habitat Catering, Flight Cannabis (three locations), Victoria Butterfly Gardens, and thirteen Cascadia Liquor store locations.


The three-year contract includes significant wage increases, wage premiums for specialized positions, health and dental benefits, and other improvements. We will provide more details soon. 

THANK YOU for the amazing support from the local community, the labour movement, and elected leaders! ❤️❤️❤️

@cupwsttp Local 850
UNDE Local 21016

#ThirstyforaFairDeal #Solidarity #WhenWeFightWeWin 💪

“Hold my beer. Going to join the union” – Cascadia Uptown Workers 🖐️🎤

A majority of workers at Cascadia Liquor Uptown applied today to unionize with us ADMID OUR ONGOING STRIKE at Cascadia Quadra Village, Eagle Creek and Colwood! That’s solidarity on another level. #DontFeedTheBear

#cascadialiquor #victoriabc #mixologistlife #vancity #canlab #bclab #solidarity #workerscantwait #seiu #bcbeer #bcwinery #thirstyforafairdeal #unionsforall

🚨 BREAKING! We have just received an official decision from the British Columbia Labour Relations Board. It has been determined that @cascadialiquor breached Labour Relations Code by using replacement workers during our strike! This is a massive win for all of us on the picket line. Thank you for all your support Victoria! Our strike continues and we hope you will keep boycotting Cascadia Liquor while we fight for fair wages ✊ #DontFeedTheBear

#VictoriaBC #mixologistlife #VanCity #CanLab #bclab #solidarity #workerscantwait #thisunion #seiu #bcbeer #bcwinery #thirstyforafairdeal #UnionsForAll #cascadialiquor

@cascadialiquor is trying to make a lot of noise by pressuring us — while we`re on strike — to cross the picket line. But WE`RE NOT FEEDING THE BEAR! We have filed another unfair labour practice complaint against Cascadia Liquor because they have undermined good faith bargaining by asking us to, “vote with your feet” i.e. cross the picket line. To quote Cher, “Ugh! As if!” 🙄

#thirstyforafairdeal #mixologistlife #canlab #solidarity #VanCity #SEIU #WorkersCantWait #ThisUnion #UnionsForAll #cascadialiquor

We’ve been on strike for four weeks. #CascadiaLiquor has been using replacement workers while we’re on the picket line and we won’t stand for it. We’re in this for the long haul and we won’t back down. Tips are not wages and we’re #ThirstyForAFairDeal. We know our community is behind us. We see you! Thank you for your support. DONT FEED THE BEAR!

#VictoriaBC #mixologistlife #VanCity #CanLab #bclab #solidarity #workerscantwait #thisunion #seiu #bcbeer #bcwinery

Day 22 on strike at #CascadiaLiquor here in #VictoriaBC. We’re ready for the long haul because we believe that TIPS ARE NOT WAGES!👏
We’re #ThirstyForAFairDeal and not backing down until we get one.

#mixologistlife #canlab #solidarity #VanCity #SEIU #WorkersCantWait #ThisUnion #unionsforall

Hear from Shiloh on the picket line at @cascadialiquor! We invite you to join us to rally for fair wages this Saturday, May 25 @ noon outside of Cascadia Quadra Village (2670 Fifth St., Victoria). DON’T FEED THE BEAR! #ThirstyForAFairDeal

#solidarity #canlab #cascadialiquor #victoriabc #workerscantwait #seiu #thisunion #mixologistlife #mixologist

Is #CascadiaLiquor breaking the law? Yeah, we sure think so! 🙄
We`ve filed an unfair labour practice against them at the BC Labour Board for using replacement workers while we`re on strike. Really not cool Cascadia!

📢 Join us on Saturday, May 25 at noon outside Cascadia Quadra Village. We`re not stopping until we get a fair deal #DontFeedTheBear #ThirstyForAFairDeal

#solidarity #unionstrong #victoriabc #canlab #workerscantwait #seiu #mixologist #mixologistlife

On the picket line with Joey! We`ve been on strike at @cascadialiquor for 13 days, and we`re still going strong. Victoria is a union town and we`re here to show Cascadia what that means. #ThirstyForAFairDeal 🤟

#cascadialiquor #solidarity #unionstrong #victoriabc #canlab #workerscantwait #seiu #mixologist #mixologistlife

DON’T FEED THE BEAR this long weekend ❌🐻
We know a lot of you are gearing up for the May 2-4 long weekend. Whether you are heading to the campsite or breaking out the trailer please support our strike by not shopping at @cascadialiquor. Victoria we appreciate all the support our community has shown us so far. We hope you have a great long weekend! ⛺️ #ThirstyForAFairDeal

#cascadialiquor #solidarity #unionstrong #victoriabc #canlab #workerscantwait #seiu #mixologist #mixologistlife #victoriaday #longweekendvibes #roadtrip #holidayweekend

Solidarity from our Victoria community! Thank you to everyone who has come out to support us. We’re out here today showing @cascadialiquor that we have the support of our community to get a fair deal! 💜👏

#ThirstyForAFairDeal #Solidarity #canlab #unionpower #SEIU #VictoriaBC #cascadialiquor #workerscantwait #craftbeer #bcwine #workerpower

SOLIDARITY SATURDAY! Join us tomorrow at noon to rally with the striking @cascadialiquor workers!
Thank you Victoria, we appreciate all the amazing support from our community 💜

Saturday, May 11 @ noon
2670 Fifth Street, Victoria

#cascadialiquor #ThirstyForAFairDeal #SolidaritySaturday #victoriabc #unionstrong #canlab #mixologistlife #SEIU

On Saturday we will be rallying at @cascadialiquor Quadra Village (2670 Fifth St., Victoria) at noon! We hope you all will join us and show Cascadia the importance of fair wages to our community! #ThirstyForAFairDeal

#cascadialiquor #solidarity #unionstrong #victoriabc #canlab #workerscantwait #SEIU #mixologist #mixologistlife @bcfedoflabour @bcgeu @victorialabourcouncil

Energized and strong on our Colwood picket line this morning!! Liquor store workers in #BC make this industry tons of money — it’s about time we get treated with some respect ✊🍾


Chris tell us why we are on strike today at @cascadialiquor! #ThirstyForAFairDeal ✊

#cascadialiquor #Solidarity #UnionStrong #victoriabc #CanLab #WorkersCantWait #SEIU #mixologist #mixologistlife

The pickets lines are up at @cascadialiquor at Quadra Village in Victoria, BC! Don’t forget to join us at noon at 2670 Fifth Street for the community rally. #ThirstyForaFairDeal

#cascadialiquor #canlab #solidarity #unionpower #workerpower #unionize
